
The Fox Cub Crew
We'd like to welcome these three beautiful little kits / fox cubs to the rescue these cuties have been collected from a garden in London where they were found abandoned by their mother. The home owner had monitored them for the past 24 hours and noticed no parent / parents had returned. This was also confirmed with the home owners neighbour who had said that normally a fox sits on her wall but this fox hadn't been around now for at least 3 days.

Three Little Hoglets
We received a call about these three little hoglets who's mother unfortunately had passed away due to a road traffic incident. Unfortunately the smallest of the three has now passed away after every effort was made by the amazing team at Wellpet Veterinary Practice. The two that have survived have been passed over to London Colney Hedgehog Rescue where they are receiving treatment for a parasite they have - Good luck to these wonderful hogs - we are keeping everything crossed that they do well!

The Fox Angel
The team were called to a fox emergency in (N21) Winchmore Hill area today. Unfortunately this little lady didn't make it she had horrific injuries to her neck and back, as well as severe fly strike. The wounds were so badly infected that she was also suffering neurologically. She was rushed to village vets who kindly sedated her and then put her to sleep This angel will no longer be in any pain or discomfort we'd like to thank Pat who contacted us we'd also like to thank Village Vet Winchmore Hill for your help and kindness with this beautiful fox.

The Squeaker
Look at this little cutie who came in earlier on today. He's thought to be very young with no visible injuries. Fortunately he has been fed up and has a full tummy / crop. Thank you to the caller who has been taking care of this little one - your a star. He is feeding really well and has a very sweet little squeak.

The Baby Rats
We were called to a group of baby rats ( pups). Unfortunately upon arrival, 2 did not make it and we had 1 who was critical and sadly passed away shortly after. The other just needed warming up and some feed. He is full of energy now and looks to be OK but we are keeping a close eye on him let's all keep everything crossed for this little guy we'd like to thank the caller you are a star for calling this into us

Poorly Pigeon
This little pigeon has a nasty eye infection but fortunately for this little guy, he's now on antibiotics after being cleaned up by the team and is enjoying nice food and warmth along with the other bird life we have in at the moment. He is flying and eating well, so we are hoping he has a quick recovery so he can be released.

Hope the Fox
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Our first responders were called earlier today in relation to a sickly fox unfortunately this little lady has fly strike in and around 2 wounds she has which is most likely from an attack. She is currently being treated at one of our fantastic emergency vets in the hope this has been caught in time. We'd like to thank the members of public for calling this in as quickly as you did as time is critical when it comes to things like this. We will update once we have further information.
Our beautiful girl Hope the fox is now officially two days free of maggots We are so happy for her that she is making a great recovery! She is still indoors as unfortunately the wound's she has are still open but are closing slowly and should hopefully be enjoying the outdoor enclosure very soon whilst she fully recovers.
Hope has tested positive for toxoplasmosis and will remain within the rescue for the remainder of her life. She is currently settled in a lovely enclosure with loving long term foster parents and loves to cuddle on the sofa and have all the attention.

The Female Silver Pheasant
Our first responders attended the Northolt area due to a game bird that was in an area where dogs were trying to attack it but fortunately due to the quick response by a fantastic member of the public, this beautiful bird lives another day! She has been rehoused onto a children's farm where she will be spoilt and admired but many.

Shoreditch Fox Cubs
We'd like to show you all who we have been busy collecting today with the help of a fantastic lady called Suzanne and another rescue who unfortunately for some reason we can't tag here. These two precious Fox cubs have been caught by a fantastic police officer at shoreditch police station - fortunately for them, not because they have been naughty and broken any laws As you'll see, these two babies have mange and are now getting medical treatment to deal with this condition. This is all possible due to a multiple agency and rescue groups approach and working together as everyone involved in the animal world should. Without the help from everyone involved, capturing and helping these wonderful cubs would not have been possible. Thank you to all involved in today's successful rescue.

Envy The Ringneck Parrot
We'd like to introduce you to our latest rescue - this is Envy who unfortunately flew into a window in Acton. Thankfully an amazing lady called Georgia saved this beautiful bird and contacted us after caring for her all day. Envy has now been checked over by our parrot expert who will be keeping a close eye on her over night.
As you'll see she's doing great - she is now able to perch which unfortunately on Friday she wasn't able to do. She is still being fed by us rather than feeding herself which we are hoping with change in the next few days and she will start feeding herself again.